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Established in 2001, we are a non-partisan, non-government organisation focused on advancing New Zealand’s interests in a strong bilateral relationship.

Our Story

We are funded by business, academia, and government to provide platforms to advance opportunities for New Zealanders, communicate the importance of the relationship, and build supportive constituencies for New Zealand in the US.

At the foundation of the relationship between our countries is an enduring set of common interests and shared values. As an organisation we have played a critical role in re-establishing connections, strengthening the relationship across multiple fronts, and advocating tighter economic and trade integration.

We remain strong advocates for open and competitive markets, including ongoing advocacy for free trade agreements, and protection of the rules-based global trading system.

Building off this legacy the Council has adopted a broader policy programme that recognises the diverse range of interests we share with the US. In addition to trade we have a focus on technology and sustainability, food, education, and defence and security.

Partnership Forums

A key set piece for the Council since its establishment has been the hosting of successive Partnership Forums. Held alternatively in New Zealand and in Washington DC, they have provided invaluable opportunities to bring together political, policy, and business leaders from both countries.