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Season 2, Episode 2: Do we need a digital agreement with the US and what’s the best vehicle?

In this episode we’ll hear again from Stephanie Honey this time answering the question, what’s the value in doing these digital agreements, and a thought on the best vehicle for doing this type of agreement with the US.

Toward the middle of the excerpt is an interesting question and comment from Stephanie on legitimate exceptions to the free flow of data – when can governments restrict the flow of data, in what areas is it valid for government’s to preserve “policy space” and the ability to regulate. Which of course is an especially hot topic in trade.

This leads into the next episode where Joshua Meltzer answers: What’s happening with US trade policy and what’s possible on digital?

Further information on this series
This current series on digital trade follows the release of our latest report on the future of New Zealand-United States digital trade, the challenges experienced by our digital exporters, and the case for a digital services agreement.

What we’re focusing in on for this series of episodes – are some of the current and future policy issues in this space.

Looking at questions like – what is digital trade, what is a digital trade agreement, the best vehicle for an agreement with the US, why do one of these agreements, in the US political and policy context what’s actually possible on trade, how can you regulate in such a fast-changing environment and what’s the best approach, what are some of the next steps that New Zealand and the US could take right now.

We’re doing this in very short, single question episodes, generally 8-10 minutes long.

Host biography:
Jordan Small:
[email protected]

For comments and feedback:
Email: [email protected]

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